56,000 watts of fixed lighting in place.
System is wired for an additional 40,000 watts of lighting without overloading
Fifty six spare fifteen amp sockets are available to accommodate extra lighting requirements
With the exception of Bar 1, on-stage lights are usually adjusted by a ladder (which we will provide)
Bar 1 is mounted on a mechanical hoist
There are four pre-wired boom bars available front of house for lower angled lighting.
The follow spot operates at an acute angle from the FOH catwalk. Its beam does not spill onto the cyclorama
The FOH lighting is routed into twelve channels through a patch panel
Lighting desks are normally operated from a control room at the rear of the balcony but can also be connected and operated at the immediate front of the stage or from the rear of the auditorium in the seating area.
There is an enclosed catwalk behind the FOH lighting allowing for lighting adjustments and focusing before or during performances
Both the FOH lighting bar and the lighting control desk can be accessed from the stage through the attic catwalk